Friday 26 June 2015

Tetbury Goods Shed

This was one of the first kits I started working on when we first got our Laser but it got put on the back burner while other kits took up my time.

Anyway here are a few construction images of the test build of this kit:

 the main building is 1mm ply while the roof is made of card. The reason for card is that it will still engrave to a good depth but will allow quick and neat construction. The chimneys were a little bit more challenging than I first thought, to get them to sit in the roof structure took a few trial runs but it worked out in the end.

Here is a picture of the kit (unpainted and no barge boards) super imposed onto a real Tetbury picture:

 Hopefully this kit has captured the look of Tetbury in N Gauge, would love to hear peoples comments (good or bad)

I will do a separate post about the painting of the kit soon

Available now:

Time to Blog!

I thought it might be good to show in a blog our developments as they come about in the world of laser cut kits. Most of our kits are produced for the British N Gauge Market but you may spot a few other things along the way. I will try and keep you up to date as much as possible and try and show you what we can do on our laser cutter.

Hope you enjoy.
